Crime is derived from the Latin word ‘krinos,’ which means to “accuse”. It covers those acts which are against social order and deserve disapprobation and condemnation of society. In general, crime violates laws, rules, and regulations, is harmful, destroys human society or resources, or creates problems in human life.
Definition of Crime.
Famous sociologist Koenig says, “The behavior firmly opposed or prohibited by the society or group is called crime.”
According to Kenny, “Crimes are wrongs whose sanction is punitive, and is in no way remissible by any private person, but is remissible by the Crown alone if remissible at all”.
Cross & Jones define crime as a legal wrong, the remedy for which is the punishment of the offender at the instance of the State.
According to Stephen, “crime is an act which is both forbidden by law and revolting to the moral sentiments of the Society”.
According to Donald Taft, “Crime is a social injury and an expression of subjective opinion varying in time and place”.
From the previous definitions, we may say that a crime is a wrong to society involving the breach of a legal wrong which has criminal consequences attached to it, i.e., Prosecution by the State in the Criminal Court and the possibility of punishment being imposed on the wrongdoer.
Causes of Crime in Bangladesh
The growth in crime in Bangladesh is due to a variety of factors. Analysis of the physical, family, social, economic, political, and administrative contexts is required to pinpoint these causes of crime. Following is a discussion of the reasons behind Bangladesh’s rising crime rate:

- Geographic cause: Criminologist Abul Hasnat says the incidence of robbery increases during June and December in Bangladesh. In the opinion of criminologist Lombroso, Killing and injuries are less in the plain land but high in the hilly region. More criminal activities occur in the char areas in Bangladesh.
- Physical cause: A physically challenged person is frequently obliged to turn to criminal activity to survive if they cannot lead a regular life via honest efforts.
- Poverty: Bangladesh’s extreme poverty contributes to crime. Because of the lack of resources, crimes like theft, decoy, pickpocketing, burglary, etc., are frequently perpetrated.
- Unemployment: Many people become upset and are propelled to engage in criminal activity due to the rising unemployment rate in our nation. Numerous people engage in criminal activity, including murder, alcoholism, and heroin addiction.
- Family cause: One of the important causes of the rise of crime is family disorganization and tension in the family. In a family with no healthy environment for the development of children, the children of that family are bound to be criminals.
- Absence of social values: The cause of the rise in crime in Bangladesh is the worst of social values. Respecting rich people more than honest, educated, upright people is customary. Money is the sole criterion for measuring the social status of a man. As a result, people try to earn money in any way possible, gradually leading them to crime.
- Political cause: The political reasons for increasing crime are political instability, tension, unconstitutional and uneven competition to gain political power, deterioration of law and order, misuse of power for political gain, etc.
- Impact of court and jail: Quite often, innocent persons get punished due to fault in the judicial system, red-tapism, and complicated legal procedures. Juvenile delinquents and minor offenders become seasoned criminals due to exposure to seasoned, professional, and misdeed criminals while in jail.
Remedies of Crime in Bangladesh.
The chief remedial measure of crime should be to analyze and judge the crime and criminal from the point of “Hate the crime, not the criminal.” Below are the ways and means to deal with crime in Bangladesh. It is necessary to take three-pronged measures to prevent crime in Bangladesh.
- Prevent Measure: There is a saying that prevention is better than cure. The following steps may be taken as a preventive measure against crime in Bangladesh.
- The population has to be controlled to prevent crime.
- Adaptation of realistic education policy so that after completing education, there is a guarantee of employment for everyone merit.
- To undertake a large-scale economic development program to alleviate mass poverty.
- Adequate arrangements must be made for rest and recreation so that authorities can check the infiltration of vulgar culture.
- To develop an administrative system and a police force oriented to people’s welfare.
- To maintain the neutrality of the judiciary to be less procrastination.
- To spread religion and moral education.
- Curative measure: Crime tendency can be removed in Bangladesh greatly if curative measures are adopted by imposing appropriate punishment according to the degree of crime. The probation and parole programs that are in vogue in this country have to be strengthened. Besides, the jail system has to be reformed, and the general public should remove the defects in the judiciary.
- Rehabilitative System: People do not want to accept criminals easily, even after serving their jail term. People hate them as criminals. But that should not be the attitude toward them. So, the crime trend will decrease in Bangladesh if appropriate rehabilitation measures are taken.